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Rox Talk
Well actually the offensive was pretty effective last week, but of course the pitching woes accounted for pretty much all the losses last week. Posednik putting some pressure on Taveras at center. One issue that WPA has is Barmes low number. He has obviously provided a spark to the overall offensive but he hasn't hit in key situations so it really doesn't show here.
Great story in Yesterday's post written by Troy Renck (by the way, the best team writer, I think) about Tulo pressing and Todd saying "Trust me, he's going to figure it out. We all do it, go looking for answers like there's some kind of secret to hitting. He will look a lot of places, and hope somebody says that magic word. In the end, he will find the answers in himself." You know that is just a plain good quote on life in general. We all are looking for that magic word and it is basically within us (but I digress). Another great Rench line "spinning like so many ice particles in a Slushee machine" describing Corpas slider right now.
Anyway tough week much like Week 1. April seems to be playing out as a microcosm of last season. Remember Fuentes blow out in June/July? The Roxs only won 10 games last April so let's not mail it in but some pitching consistency would go a long way in smoothing the ups and downs we are seeing this April. I think I read that the Roxs bullpen has the highest number of innings pitched so far. That spells trouble to me especially in July/August.
This Week in Comics
Uncanny X-men #497
In the Shadow of the Moon
Larry Niven Stephen Barnes - Achilles' Choice
Rox Talk
The offensive is still not getting timely hits but the Roxs are starting to score. Starting pitching has been weak except for Cook who has really given some good outings At this rate the bullpen will be dead by July. Starters are only averaging about 5 innings and pitching about 93 pitches! Fortunately the bullpen (22 inning bail out) was outstanding. Looks like Barmes has slotted himself into the 2B. Wonder why he isn't moved to the 2 hole and back Tulo into the 7th slot?
Douglas Coupland - The Gum Thief
This Week in Comics
The Mighty Avengers #12
Love Nick Fury. Love that Maleev and Bendis are back together. Love the call out to the old Handspring. I had one back in the day. What is the deal with the last page? Red versus Blue? When does Secret Invasion #2 come out?
Amazing Spider-Man #557
Robert Heinlein Spider Robinson - Variable Star
Laika - First Biological Entity in Space
Rox Talk
Weekly WPA leaders:
This Week in Comics
Magazine Wrap Up
Royall Tyler's 1797 novel "The Algerine Captive" The underlying article was to discuss religion and the founding fathers but it had an interesting lead in concerning this novel. The novel basically has a christian and muslim squaring off with the Christian trying to win his freedom. One of the muslim thoughts was you (the Christian) had inherited your beliefs but had never
examined them. Wonder if this is on gutenberg?
New Yorker - March 31, 2008
The Toven Specimen - an aluminum penny from 1974.
Another book review on David Hajdu's book "The Ten Cent Plague: The Great Comic Book Scare and How it Changed America" Obviously being a comic book reader it is of interest how comic books have declined based on a 1954 congressional hearing. The hearing was investigating the causes of juvenile delinquency. According to a Gallup poll taken in November 1954, 70% of
Americans believed comic books were a cause of juvenile crime! Throw in TV and that was the death kneel for comics.
On moments of inspiration, Quantum Electrodynamics 1946 Richard Feynman, " I was in the cafeteria and some guy, fooling around, throws a plate in the air As the plate went up in the air I saw it wobble, and I noticed the red medallion of Cornell on the plate going around. I went to work out equations of wobbles...Then I thought about how electron orbits start to move in
relativity.." Inspiration can come from anywhere!
Masusume Shirow - Appleseed Book 1
Rox Talk
Obviously only having 8 players in the positive is not a good thing! Holliday only leads the team because of his game tying homerun on Sunday (what about his 4 K game on Opening Day!). Morales leads the pitchers with both Fuentes and Buckholz are holding downt the pen. Nix is a surprise and the Rox Star that is Todd Helton continues to be the anchor of the team. Let's hope things fair better this week when the Braves come into town for four (can the NL Champion festivities please go away...when the team is 1-5 it gets old hearing about "our 2007 NL Champions"). And next weekend we close out the week in Phoenix...maybe we can return the favor!
Home Opener - Rockies
This Week in Comics
Amazing Spider-Man #555
Buffy Season 8 #13