Colorado Symphony
This Week in Comics
Mars Phoenix Lander
Rox Talk
Indiana Jones and The Crystal Skull
This Week in Comics
Fantastic Four 557
Just Some Things...
Around the sixth week of gestation, six swellings of tissue called the hillocks of Hiss arise around the area that will form the ear canal. These eventually coalesce to form the outer ear. Darwin's point, or tubercle, is a minor malformation of the junction of the fourth and fifth hillocks of Hiss. It is found in a substantial minority of people and takes the form of a cartilaginous node or bump on the rim of their outer ear, which is thought to be the vestige of a joint that allowed the top part of the ancestral ear to swivel or flop down over the opening to the ear.
Rox Talk
Reynold second pitching performance was the big gainer of the week. Barmes continues to impress looking to have his stroke back that was there before falling down the stairs (or falling off an ATV!). O'Dowd should be commended for holding on to him. Guess he will be moving to 2B once Tulo comes back. Last week the Roxs hit the quarter post with 40 games in the books. Before the season began I looked at projections, so taking the player's marks at 40 games and projecting out to 162 game season to see how they are all progressing versus what we started with (see graphs below).
Well as much as the pitching has been to blame for the slow start I think the offensive has to take some responsibility. Really only Atkins and Holiday have been meeting expectations. On the positive side, Atkins was projected to score 87 runs but is on pace, based on his start, to score 97 while at the opposite end, Helton who projected to score 92 runs is on pace for 77! Obviously the two big holes is that Nix is no longer in the picture and Tulo is on the shelf. At this point the Roxs are on pace for 693 runs versus a projected run total of 825.
Well starting pitching hasn't been much better but overall pitching has at least stayed on pace based on projections. At the start of the season it was projected that pitching would allow 802 runs and currently they are on pace for allowing 851. Redman, Morales, and Wells are all gone with Rosa and Reynolds stepping in. Cook has been great and Francis and Jimenez awful. Hopefully with warmer temperatures the arms start keeping the team in contention so that when the bats wake up we make a run.
This Week in Comics
Contrabass Saxophone
Speed Racer - The Movie
Rox Talk
Weekly WPA leaders (overall as well):
Ianetta was the big gainer of the week as well as Barmes. Couple of interesting stats discovered this week. In the Rockies games, for wins the team ERA is 2.59 and in losses it is 9.40 with 26 vs 43 walks in these same decisions. Wow when the pitching stinks it really stinks. Also another interesting stat is that with zero outs opposing teams have a 0.322 OBP with a OPS of 0.759 but with two outs the OBP increases to 0.384 and OPS increases to 0.825. That is crazy...it would appear we can't close the deal...
This Week in Comics
Matt Fraction begins Volume 5 of the Iron Man series. Why is this the 5th reboot of this series? I really hate that Marvel, with some of their older characters, interfere with numbering and start over so that they can get a "boost" in sales by staring a number one again. I love that the X-men are closing in on 500 and my guess is the Iron Man would be somewhere near that milestone has well. We should petition to get continuity thrown back! O yeah the review...great first issue. If Marvel was piggybacking on the success of the movie then this was a great leap. In addition it satisfies us long term readers.
Magazine Updates
Iron Man - The Movie
Rox Talk
Pretty flat week. A lot of new names (Quintella, Grilli, Herrera, Newman, and de la Rosa). Four game series against the Central leaders, Cardinals and then onto San Diego. The Roxs need to start winning some weeks. Anything to get some more Ws!