New Avengers #42 and Mighty Avengers #15
Have to hand it to Bendis but I like the backstory fill ins that he has been posting in both the New and Mighty Avengers books. Granted supposedly hints have been laid throughout but to actually see how it transpired is well worth it. Realistically this is a very tight cross over event. It doesn't feel has random and thrown together has House of M or Civil War. Little less shock and better story telling which is always good (and welcomed)!
Daredevil #108

Who cares about the story its got Matt and Dakota fighting side by side! Come on now, you know Dakota has been as misunderstood as Dazzler. She is a great character (ok a little tongue in cheek). Thank goodness she has been updated...oh yeah when does the Lady Bullseye come into play?
Uncanny X-men #499
Can't we get to Issue #500 already? Actually this latest storyline did establish a new start for the team. Moving to San Fran (no more East Coast Bias!) and it does portend what I believe to be inroads to the return of Hellfire Club. You know with Emma that this has got to be a storyline.
Ultimate Spider-Man #123

Ultimate Spidey has been kind of boring lately. Ever since the clone saga storyline (gee almost 2 years ago?), the stories have been kind of one shot with no real compelling understory. I love the 3 - 5 issue set stories but I also like hints of a bigger underlying story and it is just not there and thus it has been boring. Guess Bendis has been paying more attention to his invasion, let's up he gets back to Spidey sometime.
Captain America #39

Too many Captains are running around! We've got Bucky, we've got Skull's Captain, we have a Captain showing up at the end of Secret Invasion #4, we've got the Skrulls Captain from the '70s, and whoever else. We need a cleansing or maybe just promote one to Major! Anyway I am sure that Brubaker is getting tired of trying to mesh his story to the rest of the marvel universe. Guess next issue is the big showdown.