
Haiku Wednesday

My muse, The Denver Post, has decided after 200 weeks they will no longer be doing the Haiku of the Week contest : (.  While it is sad I have to admit I got tired of retreading some of the topics so I will basically come up with my own topics!

Fireworks (ok so a retread but with this sudden loss of a forced idea I had to go with something)

Rattles the eardrums
Bedazzles your optic nerve
Or just blow things up


Rox Talk

The Week That Was
A 3-3 week against the Indians and Yankees. The Rox currently stand at 38-39. Five and half games behind the Giants for the division lead in third place. Currently 19-19 at home and 19-20 on the road, the Rox have outscored its opponents 344-338 (expected wins is 39 versus historical wins at 36). On pace for 80 wins with 724 runs scored and 711 runs against. Playoff indicator (Runs scored/Runs Against ratio) is 1.02 (1.16 indicates high playoff potential).

Time for another rant.  Raise your hand if you think this team is a playoff contender...yeah I didn't think so.  Look I understand we are in the dismal NL West.  The Giants have scored a grand total of 265 runs and given up 269 and find themselves 10 games over 0.500!  Is that sustainable?  Knowing the Giants...yup.  So if we can't win the division then what...look a little deeper and notice where we are in the Wild Card hunt...we sit in 11th place behind the broken team that is the Mets and the likes of Pittsburgh and Washington.  So can the cheerleading stop and therefore put our Rox in the category of most disappointing team ever once again.

We are at the half way point this week almost to the All Star break.  The team has continued to comfort themselves indicating they haven't tanked and just have to get hot.  Yeah well we started the month 4.5 games out after a dismal May have since gone 13-10 only to now find ourselves 5.5 out.  Year in and year out, the Rox can't statistically keep hoping to win 15 of 20 games to get back into it.  It's a nice story to hang our hat on but that is about it.

It's a real shame to waste an All Star year for our aging first baseman who would love the opportunity to give it one more go but his support cast has been lacking.  Management threw the dice on some players that didn't work out, one rookie to fill in is nice but trying it with three probably isn't going to get you there, and well losing your number 2 pitcher is tough to overcome...therefore it is really that amazing Rox find themselves just trying to be competitive.

On the positive side this is an odd year and stranger things have happened...I'll keep watching but come on show some spark!


Haiku Wednesday


Return to the womb
Begin life, water's caress
Summer Day AC


Future of Comics

I read an interesting article at Ain't It Cool News on DCs new promotion (gag, stunt) coming out in September where they will publish 52 new number one issues. All other publications will cease and for all intents and purposes the DC world will be restarted at #1. In addition to this they will also release all issues in electronic format on the same day. The article debates the revamp and the pros and cons of what it all means. During and after the article it made me think about my own comic book reading habits and whether I would change (?).

First off a little history (with some opinions of the State of Comics):

My comic book adventures started in 1985 when I was a freshman in high school (although I do remember getting a few odds and ends as a younger child, Star Wars mostly, in the grocery store). During my freshman year my school had split sessions and since I competed in athletics I had to wait for practice so that led to wandering the grocery store and looking at the magazine rack. Next to the rack (hmmm pun somewhere in there...) was that metal turning thingamajig containing a mess of comics. I am sure anyone who tries to finds comics in a non comic book store can relate to this (and as an aside even comic book stores can be confusing...remember the movie Lost Boys when the kid walks in and complains about the issues being out of order on the shelf, complaining about superman?). Yup well the comic that hooked me at first was GI Joe #50. A double sized issue! It was gritty, it was fun, it was colorful, it had pictures and I loved the code names, the characters, and the specialities. It was good stuff. For the next few months (realize at this time I had no idea there were specialty comic book shops!) I would make my way to the grocery store and try to find the next issue. Six months later I then ventured into the uncharted territory of Marvels Merry Mutants (boy was that opening Pandora's Box). Kind of funny at the time I didn't want to be on the X-men bandwagon so I forsook that team for X-Factor (#9 was the first), which at the time was Marvel attempt to reboot the X-men's Original Five. At some point later did I finally jump onto the X-men bandwagon (issue #217, Art Adams Cover!)

During those early years I kept a pretty small pulllist. Even at 75 cents a book, I was fairly choosy with what I read. Back then I think the comic mantra of writing every book as it was someones first helped a lot (sure as an established reader I got tired reading taglines such as "Wolverine - He is the best at what he does..."). Back then I felt the books were pretty tight. Storylines weren't rambling, stories were character driven, there were plots and lead ins. The books were true serials. Perhaps because I was in my formative years the books were exciting. I cared for the characters, the art added to the script (I will get to this later), and I don't think anyone who wrote or drew mistook what they were doing as something deserving a Nobel prize for literature. And this is not to say they don't deserve kudos or be vilified because they write for comics. It is a great medium for storytelling but I don't think you should take yourself too serious about it, that's all. Although Moore and Miller and Gaiman did take the medium to places that deserve to be called literature. The next summer I ended up spending two weeks at a cousins who happened to be gone and I fell upon a vast back catalog of early X-men books. It was like finding the mother lode. At this time Marvel really didn't collect individual books and republish them in a deluxe trade paper back so the only real chance was to read back issues which generally cost more. Reading these back stories and finally seeing the history of the characters only further ingrained in me the love for the characters.

Starting the next year I finally found the first comic book store. Located in an old down trodden strip mall in a back away corner I discovered the joys of the musty comic book smell, backboards and plastic, pull lists, long boxes, and adult comic book lovers (am I creepy today?). When I finally got my own car (oohh) every Wednesday after practice I would make my comic book run. Collecting quarters throughout the week to get at least the issues I cared about. Anything extra and I would pick up the occasional Avenger book. Always stuck to Iron Man, West Coast Avengers (even the Great Lake Avengers!), and Fantastic Four. At the time I never got into DC. Sure I might read a Batman or Superman but it never made much of an impression. Even today I don't bother too much with DC. I think part of it is that the characters are like Gods, there is no fallacy with them. Although Dark Knight Returns is on my Top 5 list of stories ever told (maybe these characters work better with one shots rather than continuity?) Anyway back to the story and at about this time was when I first started buying comics for guys I went to school with. Suddenly I had someone to discuss the finer points of Cyclops actions!

Men like to talk about silly things. We can go on about movies, sports, books, women...generally meaningless things...but sit around and talk about Wolverine's action like we are in a Tarantino monologue is just priceless. Debating about who should make up the X-men, whether Dazzler is really an X-men, which iteration of Jean Grey is the best, and so forth. All in all it says something very basic to what comics can do and that is bring together a group of people to discuss a story and characters. That in a nutshell is what comics or any medium should destine to be.

And now onto the dark ages... In the lates 80s/early 90s (was it disposal income? a new generation of artist/writers?) comics started to be the "in" thing. Comic prices started to rise because of shiny cover gimmicks and multiple cover releases showed the Marvel/DC people that we were willing to shell out a lot more for just a "comic" book Additionally due to a "collector's" mentality, comic companies (and I think artist too) started to use shiny paper versus that old nasty newspaper print. Prices continued to rise, collectors were swooping in collecting books and filing them away never to be read (Action Comics #1 anyone?). And then something really changed with the "model" and that was a new crop of artist came into the picture. Obviously a comic book has art complementing a story. Early days I think it was the story that drove the book. As the medium grew so did the art (more so then the story) which eventually led to an era in which the art overshadowed the story. Artist became rock stars and started driving the industry. Some battles with writer's came about and even led to the artist becoming the writer in one book. Suddenly comic books weren't just a simple serial anymore, rather it became an investment, an artform, and battle ground between old and new school writers artists and publishers.

The roller coaster reached its apex with the desertion of Marvel's artist and the formation of Image Comics. Truly a comic meant solely for image and very little else. Books that came out were beautiful to look at but often came with little or no story, months behind (6 months between issues?), and yet people scrambled to buy them. An enormous sum of money went into something that now is essentially worthless. A lot of flash and bang but essentially empty. Because of this, the comic industry crashed and burned. Issue delays and poor stories finally led to the hangover that was the 90s for comic book lovers. Through this wreckage I still tried to keep up with the merry mutants. They want through a spectacular run from about issues 225 - 300 with Claremont at the helm. In time Marvel pushed him out and mutants have suffered ever since. There have been some bright spots here and there but for the most part it has been mostly unreadable.

Finally in the last half of '00s (or naughts?), a new generation of writers stepped in and started storytelling again. Art took a backseat (a little) and the industry started to be something again (especially with the success of movies!). The non-comic lovers started seeing that there were these awesome characters. Problem though is the comic book never got over itself. Comics couldn't return to the day of cheap newspaper, OK art, and good storytelling. Throw in that a typical issue is around $4 and if you read a couple series a month then you are paying around $30 - 40 a month? And for what exactly...22 pages of colored pictures?

For me the industry has forgotten its roots and readers. Started in the 1920s we had the serials (low end pulp entertainment meant to be trashy) and then the comics kind of filled the role but then in the 90s someone thought comics should become high brow literature/works of art? This is supposed to be fun and not too serious. We are talking about a man who flies around with a cape, a character with retractable claws, a blind guy, a guy bitten by a radioactive spider! Why are we thinking this is literature? What is the industry hoping to hang on to at this point? Its readership is bunch old guys. Next generation don't want to spend money on anything let alone some $4 piece of comic. I applaud what DC is doing about same day electronic distribution but having the same price point? Come on that will fail. Like it or not the price point for anything of value is currently .99 cents. .99 cents gets you a song and to my opinion that is what a comic book should get you. Is that sustainable? Probably not at only 10,000 copies sold but if the comic was worth anything don't you think more people would give a try? Think about it...someone is stuck at the airport needs something throw away to read...gee here is a Superman comic for 99 cents, I wonder what he is up to...I'll give it a shot for 99 cents! $4 no I don't think so.

I understand an industry as to feed its suppliers whether it is the writers, the editors, the artist but putting out a quality product will always find someone willing to spend money. For too long comic industry has put out crap, ridden character coat tails with awful tie ins, spewed out series with no rhyme or reason, and have totally lost it market. As suggested I'm an X-men fan but I can't honestly tell you how one is supposedly suppose to keep up with them now when there are 10 books. Who in their right mind can keep up with such a fractionation of a product. Compare this to Spider-man's latest run and we have one spidey book...want more stories...then bring it out weekly with good compact stories.

Enough ranting time for some conclusions. 1) Electronic distribution is the future, faster the companies get on board the better off they will be. 2) Price points...these are comics make them cheap and disposable and sale a lot of them 3) If you an artist and want to do literature then the trade paper back is for you...there is a niche market out there for you 4) Comic stores will become like record stores and simply disappear or become used bookstores. Any print media of any sort will just become museum pieces (sad day when books in paper won't be available... 5) Comic books are long running serials, stop with #1 gimmicks and just tell a good story because there is history in knowing that I am reading issue #483. 6) Remember to have fun with it.


Rox Talk

The Week That Was
A 4-2 week against the Padres and Tigers. The Rox currently stand at 35-36. Three and half games behind the Giants for the division lead in third place. Currently 19-19 at home and 16-17 on the road, the Rox have outscored its opponents 318-308 (expected wins is 37 versus historical wins at 33). On pace for 80 wins with 726 runs scored and 703 runs against. Playoff indicator (Runs scored/Runs Against ratio) is 1.03 (1.16 indicates high playoff potential).

Latest fad (or meme) which seems to pop up a bit this year is a team's ability to win series. Teams who win series obviously have winning records.  So far in 2011, the Rox have played 24 series.  If those were all 3 game series and they won them all by taking 2 of 3 games then theoretically the Rox could be 48 - 24 (they have actually played 5 two game series, 15 three game series, and 4 four game series).  So far the Rox are 9-12-3 in series records this year.  The Rox won or tied their first 5 series (4-0-1), then proceeded to go 2-12-1 in the next 15 series, and then have since turned things around by going 3-0-1.  Tale of two seasons so far...April/June - Good and May - Bad!

Of course I can't let it go at that so what about since the Rox inception?  Well there has been 931 series and Rox are 371-452-108.  See table below for specifics. 

Rox are 3-4 in one game series, 19-27-54 in two game series, 302-349 in three game series, 46-71-54 in four game series, and 1-1 in five game series.  For the three and four game series above I also so the break out of how the series was won.  So for instance in three game series the Rox have swept the other team 94 out of 651 times.

What to make of this?  In Rox 19 years of existence, being an expansion team and all, they had some lean years and only recently have they been playing .500 baseball.  Overall their record stands at 1364 - 1490 or 126 games under .500 (figure this they would have to go 90-72 for seven straight years to get back to even!).  Thus looking at the numbers above taking this into account, the two numbers that jump out are the disparity in losses in a three game set and the higher number of 1-3 series losses to 3-1 series wins (55 vs 30). A few more wins in those situations and you would end up with a series tie versus another series loss in a Game 4 set.  Knowing the Rox road woes over the years one can imagine trying to win 2 of 4 in a long series.

Next week I will have the breakdown of series versus teams both home and away...


Comic Splat

Moon Knight #2
Marc channels some Avengers
You confused like me?

Amazing Spider-Man #663
There's Anti-Venom?
And who is this Wraith hero...
I'm so out of it

Fear Itself #3
Summer event death
Thing becomes Breaker of Souls
Uh oh this ain't good

Flashpoint #2
Super 8 insert?
More concise then real issue
Lightning didn't work


Haiku Wednesday

Farmer's Market

Farmer's alchemy
From a seed to my stomach
Beautiful cycle


Rox Talk

The Week That Was
A 4-3 week against the Padres and Dodgers. The Rox currently stand at 31-34. Five and half games behind the Giants for the division lead in third place. Currently 15-17 at home and 16-17 on the road, the Rox have outscored its opponents 286-280 (expected wins is 33 versus historical wins at 30). On pace for 77 wins with 713 runs scored and 698 runs against. Playoff indicator (Runs scored/Runs Against ratio) is 1.02 (1.16 indicates high playoff potential).

Rox are 65 games into the season and sitting three games under 0.500.  Team really hasn't shown any consistency in the last 40 Games.  At the end of Game 25, Rox stood 17-8 with a 4.5 game lead and since then 14 - 26 and are 5.5 back.  What the heck happened? 

Looking at the numbers not all that much!  Frustrating thing about baseball is the numbers don't tell the whole story especially at the macro level.  As much as sabermatricians would like to put everything into a nice box with a label and say that these outcomes makes perfect sense I don't think it is that easy.  Just as they can't find that "clutch" numerical value, I don't think such a turn around the Rox have seen can be valued.  In the end we are dealing with humans, emotions, and like it or not that can't be mathematically evaluated.

Spreadsheet above shows the projected totals (average x 162) for the season if team kept its pace during Games 1-25 or from Games 26-65.  I find looking at the values over a 162 game period is easier to see differences then just averages during these spans of games.  What do we see?

Mixed signals of course.  The team has a whole has been hitting better but that hasn't translated in getting on base more which is partly due to the fact that while the team has gotten more hits, the number of walks has crashed.  The other big number that stands out is the increase number of double plays the team has hit into which leads to less opportunities to drive men in which reduces scoring opportunities.  Also throw in a lack of stolen bases and this really leads to an offense that is seemingly getting on track but really isn't.  I think the story the papers would suggest is that the bats are to blame but based on the numbers the offense has been fairly consistent if not improved in the last 40 games.

I think the real number to look at above is the "On Base" stat.  Nothing real scientific about it, it is just hits+walks+HBP+ROE.  The offense has been pretty consistent but look at our pitching...it would suggest the pitchers have allowed a whole lot more base runners in the last 40 games.  While that doesn't necessary mean more runs, the fact that more runners are getting on base can lead to more runs.  So is our pitching really to blame?

In the end who knows why the Rox are playing like they are.  The conclusion that I come to would suggest this team isn't as good as the pundits suggested.  Rox can't just wait for that 10-15 game win streak to get the going.  Good teams win series and right now the Rox aren't doing that.


Super 8

The perfect summer movie.  Perhaps it is nostalgia but wow what a great movie.  For once a movie actually lived up to the hype.  Hard to do when you start seeing ads almost a year before the movie was probably even filmed.  Lots of review I have read are hesitant to admit they liked the movie.  I don't understand why they don't admit that they enjoyed the movie?  I mean this movie is obviously a descendant of E.T. and a mash up with that classic and the Goonies.  I didn't go in wanting an Oscar worthy movie, I wanted to leave having enjoyed a couple of hours of escapism and an ode to my childhood.

Now granted when growing up I didn't have an alien running around in my backyard but I did have friends and we used to play pretend all day during the summer.  It was good stuff and watching these kids on the big screen made me feel young again.  Made me feel like the world was out there for the taking without having been beaten down by the woes of being an adult. 

An intelligent movie, decent plot, a reason to care for the characters, and of course plenty of Abrams token lens flares!  Heck of a movie thanks JJ for keeping the dream alive that a summer movie can be good without having been a sequel!


Haiku Wednesday


Summer sun bakes us
Long summer days as Earth spins
Like rotisserie


Rox Talk

The Week That Was
A 2-4 week against the Dodgers and Giants. The Rox currently stand at 27-31. Five and half games behind the Giants for the division lead in fourth place. Currently 13-15 at home and 14-16 on the road, the Rox have outscored its opponents 248-242 (expected wins is 30 versus historical wins at 26). On pace for 75 wins with 693 runs scored and 676 runs against. Playoff indicator (Runs scored/Runs Against ratio) is 1.02 (1.16 indicates high playoff potential).

How tough has it been?  Rox scored 10 runs last week!  Throw out the first two games in LA and in the last four games of the week the Rox only allowed 6 runs and only went 2-2 in that stretch.  Oh yeah and don't forget when our Rox got 18 on base against LA and only scored one run!

How tougher has it been?  Hammel pitches a no hitter through five and two-thirds yesterday and Rox still lose 2-1.  The Rox are currently on pace to score 693 runs?  Lowest in team history?  No not yet, that would be 740 in 2005.  That year they finished 67-95 and that is because pitching gave up 862 runs.  This year staff is on pace for almost 40 runs better than their history and Rox are still 4 games under 0.500! 

How toughest has it been?  Rox are 11-17 in the division and 16-14 against everyone else.  In those 28 games in the division Rox have scored 110 and only allowed 119 runs to score (138 vs 123 against everyone else).   Rox should probably should have 2 to 3 more wins...

And this isn't just the Rox, the league average runs scored is down about 10% from 2000 - 2010 and at this rate about 2,400 less runs will be scored in the MLB.

In the end, I remember reading an early season preview indicating that once again the Rox pitching would be solid but the decider would be the offense.  I scowled at such a thought and wonder what moron would ever think a team playing half its games at Coors would have an offense problem...now I no longer balk at such a suggestion.  This team is anemic.  I just haven't seen anything like this before.  The ball has got to start bouncing our way sometime this season, right?  I can't tell you how many times at Coors I have seen a hot shot up the middle only to be snagged by a middle infielder just shading correctly in that direction to make an easy out.  This sums it up, this Tulo article would indicate he his hitting better but actually doing worse!


Haiku Wednesday

Summer Camp

Chance to meet new friends
New adventures, no parents
Memories forever!