
Andrew Smith's - Moon Dust

Well you might imagine my thirst for all things astronaut continues. During my last trip to Orlando and visit to the space center I decided to stretch out and find some new books. This book is a bit of revisionist space history. Books up to this point have always shed a gentle light on men (and women left behind!) that put American footprints on the moon. Of course has a young buck I always looked at the achievement has just man's desire to explore. Since I have aged and probably gotten a bit harder on some views, likewise authors have too, we have begun to look at the whole Apollo bit a bit differently. Mr Smith looks at the last 9 remaining moonwalkers and gives us a where are they now look. It is an interesting read because for 4 years these moon travelers were off to great adventure and then boom...nothing. They all just magically disappeared (with moon dust?) back to wherever they came from never really to be heard from again. Some I gave this book a read and it was decent...nothing really earth shattering and really nothing good. It is too bad they didn't send at least a poet. Of the nine stories none of them really gave you a good feeling what it was like and what they were thinking. It is too bad because as Mr Smith claims one day there will be no men left who have walked on another world...

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