
Rox Talk

Woody Paige writes a thoughtful article on the upcoming season. The Rox brain trust has certainly shaken things up this Winter. As a fan, I can't really find anything at fault with the moves they have made. Problem is, all this is for nothing if the team can't win when it counts. Tracy now has a lot of pieces and parts. How is he going to mix and match and put out a winning team each day. Paige indicates a left and right pitching lineup. Using Baseball Musings lineup analysis this is what we got for right handed pitchers:
The numbers above are based on ZiPS projections. See next week on projections but a lineup above would average about 4.7 - 4.8 runs per game or about 778 runs (they had 770 last year).

What about left handed pitchers? Not a huge difference and it should be noted that the Rox faced 100 righties last year (and thus 62 lefties).
I don't envy Tracy and his matching up. My guess is he will find the hot lineup and go with it. Day games will have Helton taking the day and my guess is if Helton gets off to a rough start he will find himself riding the bench because this team is built for the now. They can't afford to be kind to the old guard...they have too much riding on the now!

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