
Haiku #6.2 (Red Card Red 5 gallon)

Haiku #6.2 was the scale up recipe from my modifications of The Best of Brew You Own magazine (page 36).  The purpose of this brew was to mass produce (5 gallons!) for contest at the June 30th Rapids / Timbers game.  Performed at the Do Your Brew facility in Westminster (5/31/12), there were some recommended changes by the Owner, see recipe below.  Biggest change was from a whole grain to a partial mash.  

1) 6.0 lbs Golden Light (malt syrup) [change]
2) 1.0 lb 2 Row Pale Malt
3) 0.6 lb Munich Malt
4) 0.6 lb Crystal Malt (15 deg L)
5) 0.6 lb Crystal Malt (40 deg L)
6) 0.6 lbs Crystal Malt (75 deg L)
7) 0.1 lbs English Chocolate [change, for increase red color]
8) 1.0 oz Chinook Pellet Hops (11.1% AA)
9) 1.0 oz Centennial Pellet Hops (?% AA)
7) White Labs WLP001 California Ale (Liquid)

Used Iodine sanitizer.

The Mash
Heated 6.0 gal of water to 155-162 deg F.  Added grain (placed grain a mesh bag).  Cooked for 60 minutes.  

The Sparge
Removed the grain mesh bag and allowed to dry.

The Boil
Heated the wort until it began to boil at approximately 210 deg F.  Boil lasted 60 minutes with 1.0 oz of chinook (bittering) hops at 0 min (into boil) then added 0.5 oz of centennial hops (aroma) at 40 min and 55 minutes.  Hops placed in a hop mesh bag for duration of boil.

The Fermentation
Placed condenser in the boil to sanitize.  After boil, chilled wort to approximately 50 degrees.  Poured cool wort into a 5 gallon plastic bucket.  Specific gravity of the wort was 1.053.  Added the yeast.

The yeast began fermentation.  Allowed to sit for 1 week.  After one week, transferred to a glass carboy for secondary fermentation.

The Bottling
Specific gravity after fermentation was 1.011.  Beer was 5.6% alcohol.  Used dextrose and dissolved this in 1/4 cup of water, I siphoned the beer into a bucket and then bottled into 23 x bomber bottles (~650 mL) and 12 regular bottles.  Allowed to sit for another 2 weeks.

The Tasting
Opened and tried on 6/28/12. Good carbonation, would like to see more of a head (see photo).  Similar to Haiku #6.0 and #6.1 although not as bitter.  Good color and flavor, a tad nutty.  Good enough for 3rd place in the brew contest!

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