Friday Frivolous Findings
Lemony Snicket - The Wide Window

William Gibson - Spook Country

"Cities, in Milgrim's experience, had a way of revealing themselves in the faces of their inhabitants, and particularly on their way to work in the morning. There was a sort of basic fuckedness index to be read, then, in faces that hadn't yet encountered the reality of whatever they were on their way to do." - page 260
"...daytime photograph of the New York skyline, complete with the black towers of the World Trade Center. These were so intensely peculiar-looking, in retrospect, so monolithically sci-fi blank, unreal, that they now seemed to Milgrim to have been Photoshopped into ever image he encountered them in." - page 97
Magazine Updates
"One of the most frequently discussed difficulties is that of copyright. A conservative reckoning is 32 million (books), Google believes that there could be as many as a hundred million. It is estimated that between five and ten percent of known books are currently in print, and twenty percent-those produced between the beginning of print, in the 15th century, and 1923-are out of copyright. The rest, perhaps 75 percent of all books ever printed, are "orphans," possibly still covered by copyright protections but out of print and pretty much out of mind."
Rolling Stone - 11/15/07
Bill Maher, "People say to me, "Why are you so cynical?" And I say, "I wouldn't be so cynical if you weren't so fucking stupid."
Jon Stewart, "There's no way to fool-proof the world. You cannot out-engineer crazy."
William Gibson, "In a world of superubiquitous computing, you're not gonna know when you're on or when you're off. You're always going to be on, in some sort of blended-reality state."
Lisa Randall, "For one thing, science is difficult. Things like string theory and climate change are complex: People need a little more patience with uncertainty. We live in the era of the sound bite, and, on the whole, science doesn't lend itself to sound bites." and
"People not thinking."
Rox Talk
Well good thing the Roxs weren't in a gunfight as we finished as bridesmaids in the manager of the year, rookie of the year, and MVP awards. Hardware is nice but my guess is that the three involved (Hurdle, Tulo, and Holliday) wouldn't trade their end of season wild ride for any of these awards as the winners (Melvin, Braun, and Rollins) all got sent home as we beat two of them in the NL playoffs! Bottom line is these individual awards really shouldn't mean all that much if the individuals care more for what the team does. Plus Tulo shouldn't be all that bummed, his first baseman lost out to a Japanese Pitcher who isn't even in the bigs anymore (should Japanese players really be considered rookies?).
Hot Stove Anyone?
Rockies re-signed catcher Yorvit Torrealba to 2-year deal and also appeared to resign Matt Herges to a 1-year deal. reports seem to indicate that Kaz Matsui will either sign with the Cubs or Astros. Roxs will need to decide to slot a home-grown talent into 2B (Carroll, Barmes, Stewart, or Quintinilla) or find someone serviceable. None of these four really deserve to be everyday starters (Stewart is a corner guy) and have each had the opportunity. My guess is that Spring Training something will come out in the wash. Looks like Hawkins is probably going away as well. No big loss...decent playoff run, but falls into that dime a dozen relief pitcher. I truly believe that all you really need is a decent closer and then just a couple of hot arms throughout the season. You can't really predict how a closer will do from season to season. Just too random. Finally the Roxs will need another starting arm or two. If last season was any indication it is few and far between that the 5 guys you leave Spring Training are still pitching in October!
College Football
Points Scored: 353
Points Allowed: 232
Offensive: 41 TDs 418.9 Yards/Game 120.4 Pass Yards/Game 298.5 Rush Yards/Game
Defense: 26 TDs 357.2 Yards/Game 226.2 Pass Yards/Game 131.0 Rush Yards/Game
Rushing: 3582 Total Yards
Passing: 1445 Total Yards
KO/PR: 959 Total Yards
AF Heisman Trophy Candidate: Chad Hall
Rushing: 1415 Total Yards (led team)
Receptions: 488 Total Yards (led team)
Kick Offs: 425 Total Yards (led team)
Punt Returns: 176 Total Yards (led team)
15 TDs
For those math wizards out there Chad accounted for 41.8% of AF offense for the year! Yikes!
This Week in Comics

Captain America 32

Ebook Readers
Rox Talk

So what does this say? Well offensively we had Torrealba, Matsui, Tulo, Holiday, and Hawpe have outstanding above predicted years and Helton, Atkins, and Taveras below predicted. Hopefully next year the offensive can keep pace.
Pitching is a bit more difficult to predict as injuries can effect numbers more. Thirteen pitchers had starts for the 2007 season. Francis led the team with 34, then Fogg at 29, Cook at 25, Hirsh at 19, and Jimenez at 15. These 5 accounted for 75% of the starts and 51% of the innings and 53% of the runs. So from a prediction standpoint it is much easier to get the offensive down. Although I think it is the pitching that really defines your won/loss record (can this be proven in some way? Have to think about it...a later post). Pitching was not a strong point this year for the Roxs and with any sort of stability next year with Morales and Jimenez both having a partial year under their belts and the further stability of Francis and Cook I think pitching is key for next year's team.
Next year will be tough one for the Roxs. How will they handle being the NL Champs? Can they build on this year or will they buckle? Hard to say but I'll refine the numbers again next year and see if we can get back to the playoffs.
Connie Willis - Bellwether

Delaware - 2 misses (2000, 2004) from 1952 on, perfect from 1952 to 1996
College Football
2000 45 - 24 W
2001 45 - 21 W
2002 34 - 38 L
2003 3 - 24 L
2004 31 - 37 L
2005 41 - 29 W
2006 12 - 19 L
2007 ???
Games of interest this weekend...Ohio St and Michigan for the Rose Bowl. Kentucky vs Georgia might be interesting.
Last's weeks games of interest, Illinois at Ohio St., yup State looked past the Fighting Illini. Florida at South Carolina...will the 'Cocks and Spurrier be able to find some magic in Columbia? A resounding no! And the under the radar game for the week? USC at California. Go USC
This Week in Comics Part II

Well this looks to a cross-over worthy of discussing. The set up is compelling, the first new mutant born since House of M (ughhhh finally 2 years later we are dealing with the ramifications of Bendis's little atom bomb). A race to get to it first. Art looks good...hopefully this will shake up the books and make them readable.
Uncanny X-men 492Chapter 2 in the Messiah Complex. Is it any wonder why comics have such a hard time getting into books or at least coming back into them. I appreciate the history and all but boy who are the acolytes, what is up with Sinister and the Marauders, and where did Predator X come from? Or is Predator X just a blatant attempt to create a foe for Wolverine to do some good ole beat down on in future issues. And why is Prof X acting so funny? Will he go mental again and how will Magneto play in all this? Anyway good issue and it appears all the X-books are on board so each week is presenting a running chapter. Hopefully this will lead to something..
X-factor 25Chapter 3 leads off with the worst x-team. If any team has no direction this is it. I tried to get on board but nothing is worthwhile. Once the original X-team moved back to being mainstream there was no reason to continue this book yet it has! Can't editors just say no? Anyway it looks like X-Force is coming back so maybe the Factor will be done. Anyway the multiple man goes into the future and his Layla goes with. What does "46664" on her shirt mean? Anyway these first couple of issues are just the prologue setting the tale. I'm thinking the New X-men will be making a splash this go around.
This Week in Comics Part I

Ultimate Spider-Man 115
Bendis, bendis, everywhere. Okay can someone please change Kitty's uniform? Ughhh what the heck is she wearing and how in the heck can she see? Also the outfit reminded me of another character's spandex...I thought it was Darkhawk but no it was the cover to X-factor 35. The Orphan Maker...yikes that goes way back. And then is she trying to bring back the ghost of Psylocke with that sash? Kitty doesn't have a costume! There is a reason for that! Anyway good issue, good Parker cracks and great full page spread about midway throught the issue of Spidey doing his thing. Good ending too, one I think every comic book issue should have. Fantastic cliffhanger wanting more!
Rox Talk

College Football
2000 31 - 34 L
2002 14 - 21 L
2006 17 - 39 L
2007 ???
Games of interest this weekend...Illinois at Ohio St. Tough one at the Horseshoe, will State look past to Michigan? Florida at South Carolina...will the 'Cocks and Spurrier be able to find some magic in Columbia? And the under the radar game for the week? USC at California.
Harpoon IPA

Haiku Wednesday
White - yummy nibble
Orange - big time sugar goodness
Yellow - best for last
Baseball Weekly
NL records 1958-2007
Team W L T Pct
LAN 4252 3692 6 .535
CIN 4152 3783 9 .523
SLN 4146 3783 12 .523
ATL 4125 3802 11 .520
SFN 4117 3826 6 .518
ARI 818 802 0 .505
PIT 3984 3942 10 .503
HOU 3652 3672 5 .499
PHI 3884 4052 7 .489
WAS 2980 3204 4 .482
NYN 3496 3816 8 .478
CHN 3768 4159 17 .475
FLO 1112 1251 0 .471
COL 1114 1254 0 .470
SDN 2870 3322 2 .464
MIL 719 899 1 .444
AL Records
NYA 4427 3502 15 .558
BOS 4178 3761 3 .526
BAL 4163 3760 8 .525
CHA 4043 3888 15 .510
OAK 3979 3963 6 .501
MIN 3937 3998 10 .496
TOR 2428 2469 3 .496
DET 3933 4009 7 .495
ANA 3690 3794 3 .493
CLE 3889 4035 6 .491
KCA 3003 3176 2 .486
MIL 2200 2367 3 .482
SEA 2315 2582 2 .473
TEX 3491 3975 7 .468
TBA 645 972 0 .399
Today the Guardian and Observer take a giant step backwards as their newly digitized archive - which will contain every article from their first issues in 1821 and 1791 until 1975 - is opened for public search.
Charlotte, NC

Comet Holmes
College Football
2001 34 - 24 W
2002 49 - 30 W
2003 31 - 3 W
2004 31 - 22 W
2005 24 - 27 L
2006 43 - 7 W
2007 ???
Gregory Maguire - Wicked