
This Week in Comics

Continues to be a good read. As with any DC comic book I just didn't grow up in the DC world so some of the intricacies are just plain lost on me. The mythology of the JLA is a bit unknown to me. I did read the Grant Morrison JLA and it was simple enough to get into but Metzer's is a bit over my head right now.

Ahhhh Batman...a character I so wish had good storylines and great action but alas nothing from Morrison so far. I mean Batman having a son is an interesting twist but the boy is so unlike Batman that trying to juxtapose the two is just not doing much for me. Especially since at the end of this issue it appears his son has moved on. So let me get this straight...he discovers a son, he hands out for an issue or two, and boom he's gone (?). Guess its nice to have it part of the mythos but come on to me it's pretty huge that there is a heir!

History repeats itself?#@#!* I thought the horrendous "Clone Saga" in the original marvel universe was bad enough but I guess we can state that the ultimate universe has its own saga. I was really looking forward to this story line but must admit it hasn't done it for me. As mentioned previously 100 was fluff and this issue is even more fluff! Come on Bendis stop dragging us along. Give us some meat something to grow on. I can only hope that with issue 102 we get somewhere with this...please?

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