
Haiku #8 - Princess Peach

Haiku #8 was my first try at a fruit beer and I used neighbors peaches.  Also used Colorado grain so this is a somewhat local beer.  Loosely based on a peach recipe on BeerTools.com.  One gallon batch. 

1) 1.8 lbs Colorado 2 Row
2) 0.2 lbs Honey Malt
3) 0.2 oz Cluster Pellet Hops (7.7% AA)
4) 0.2 oz Mt. Hood Pellet Hops (4.1% AA)
5) 0.8 lbs Peaches (15 minutes boil)
5) White Labs WLP320 American Hefeweizen (Liquid)

Used Starsan sanitizer.

The Mash
Heated 0.5 gal of water to 160-170 deg F.  Added grain (placed grain a mesh bag).  Cooked for 60 minutes.  

The Sparge
Removed the grain mesh bag and allowed to drip dry.  Rinsed with a gallon of heated water.  Than ran the wort back through the mesh bag.

The Boil
Heated the wort until it began to boil at approximately 210 deg F.  Boil lasted 60 minutes with 0.2 oz of cluster (bittering) hops at 0 min (into boil) then added 0.1 oz of Mt. Hood hops (aroma) at 30 min and e5 minutes.  Hops placed in a hop mesh bag for duration of boil.  Added a slurry (food processed) of peaches (~ 0.8 lbs or about 10-12 that were pitted and pealed).

The Fermentation
After boil, removed from heat, cooled wort to approximately 50 degrees.  Allowed peach to settle but some peach material were floating.  Difficult to filter into fermentor.  Added the yeast.  Yeast activated in about 12 hours.

The yeast began fermentation.  Allowed to sit for 1 week.  After one week, transferred to a second glass carboy for secondary fermentation.

The Bottling
Used dextrose and dissolved this in 1/4 cup of water, siphoned the beer into into 8 regular bottles.  Allowed to sit for another 2 weeks.

The Tasting
Opened and tried on 10/11/12 (!). Good carbonation. Fluffy head, bit sticky (left residue on side of glass).  Can smell the peaches and a slight hint in the flavor.  Certainly not overpowering.  Good first try. 

Just a hint of peach
Nice smooth, blondish, with curly head
Fit for a Princess

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