
This Week in Comics

Daredevil #114
A continuing good yarn of a tale.  I have enjoyed this series.  Lady Bullseye hasn't been as bad as I thought.  It will be interesting to see why she has it out for our red hero...plus the dirty tricks she is pulling...I smell a beat down coming!

New Avengers #48
The first post Secret Invasion book and frankly it doesn't have much going on although it would appear that Luke Cage's baby whereabouts will continue to be a continuing storyline.  Frankly I am tired of Jessica and Luke's ongoing soap opera as being the main driver for this book.  I mean Luke dealing with the devil should come back to haunt our fearless avengers but I think it would be nice to have those big giant Avenger battles!

Ultimate Spider-Man #129
Bendis must have gotten over his hangover from Secret Invasion with a great spidey story (with Spider-Woman)...which has been a long time coming.  Secret Invasion really must have wiped his brain of anything good.  This one had some classic lines like, "Hall of Justice.  How may I help you?" - Spidey talking to Johnny Storm and "Help me Peter Parker!  You're my only hope!" - Johnny in response.

Captain America #45
Kind of a snoozer storyline compared to what we were used to with the just completed tale, four issues back.  I hope that Brubaker is brewing up a new tale for our striped hero.  Frankly not much to say on these last 4 issues....nothing memorable for me...

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