
Song Memory - Kid Fears

In honor of Chabon's short, Radio Silence which was first published in Details Magazine, I am going to track songs I hear on the radio and the deep seated memory it conjures. My first song I heard that stirred a memory was Indigo Girls song Kid Fears. The album came out in February 1989. I was a freshman at the Academy and was having a not so enjoyable first year of college. Anyway I had received a mix tape from a girl I used to drive to high school with. She was still a Junior in High School and of course when I received the tape I had no way listening to it because at the time I had no Walkman (as a freshman at the Academy you have no "privileges", no TV, no music...note back then there was no such thing as an mp3! and to think CDs were just coming out!). Anyway you were allowed to leave as you has a certain amount of passes off the base so one Saturday I borrowed a car from one of the seniors and had a day out. Fortunately the car had a tape deck and I was finally able to listen to the music. In High School I was mix tape monster. I had ton of tapes and used to listen to them all the time! To have to go cold turkey on music for almost a year of my life was just torture! Anyway to drive and listen to tunes was just a cathartic experience. That day I choose to drive to Rocky Mountain Park and Trail Ridge road. Driving around and listening to the tape and Kid Fears was one of the songs. At the time I had no ideal who the Indigo Girls were although they were in Athens band so that is why my High School friend sent it along. The song does feature Michael Stipe at the end. It is has a nice ring to it and when I hear it, it immediately sweeps me to the mountain vistas on Trail Ridge road.

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