
Comic Splat (5)

X-Force #24 - Necrosha X just isn't working...

X-men Legacy #233 - Again what does this have to do with Necrosha X? This series just goes to show the second tier X-books just aren't worth the time...heck even the so called first tier stink!

New Avengers #62 - Art kind of stinks, come on this is a top tier book, it deserves awesome art. Love the line when Luke Cage tells Jessica when asked if Steve Rodgers was real, "I went to the living legends store and this is all they had."

Marvelous Land of Oz #4 of 8 - Wonders of Oz part 2...continue to love the art...story just isn't the same without Dorothy!

Daytrippers #1 - OK so the character Bras has died at 32, 28, and 21...he is obituary writer of course

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