
Dan Ariely - Predictably Irrational

As with the other books (mostly the Malcolm Gladwell books), these type of books make you question your decisions and also make you go hmmm. Which is a good thing mostly. Fascinating to see how predictable your decisions can be. Entertaining book.

As with any context the author, Don Ariely, explains that his book is because, "I have been told by many people that I have an unusual way of looking at the world."

Quote from Woody Allen, "The most expensive sex is free sex" - Yup pretty true ;)

"When we mix social and monetary norms, strange and undesirable things can happen." Basically don't pay your neighbor to help out...as soon as money is brought into play it changes the entire game.

"My own approach is to try to view all transactions (particularly large ones) as if I were a non owner, putting some distance between myself and the item of interest." Hard to do...

"But even stranger is our compulsion to chase after doors of little worth - opportunities that are nearly dead, or that hold little interest for us" Something we could all really work towards. Hard to shut that door!

Joshua Bell experiment (thought I had blog about this before but guess not, incredible experiment in context)

"But even when offered $50, only 19 percent of passerby stopped and took a bill" Amazing how cautious we have become and how we are always looking at what is the catch...

"In essence, individuals more concerned with portraying their own uniqueness were more likely to select an alcoholic beverage not yet ordered at their table in an effort to demonstrate that they were in fact one of a kind. ...,people particularity those with a high need for uniqueness may sacrifice personal utility in order to gain repetitional utility." God I've done this so many times and regretted drinking some god awful beer just to impress with my individuality! Arghhhhh

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