
Haruki Murakami - Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

"The elevator continued its impossibly slow ascent."

Of all the books I have read by Murakami, this one by far is the most off the wall one yet. It is always interesting to see where his books take you. The back cover summary is always so by the book. It seems so normal, so unassuming, and then you get into it and wow it is just takes you on a wild ride.

I thought this was just a normal read with Murakami unusual bits thrown in but this one just started strangely and kept going. It is almost science fiction.

In the end it was a good read and I enjoyed it. Again for a male author his romantic scenes are by far the most exotic I have read and doesn't seem forced like other male authors. Murakami is best at creating really good characters and really throwing them into unusual situations. Again it would be great to read his books in his native language...

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