
Please Ignore - Personal Rant

Sometimes when I read various things, I just get bummed.  For instance, one article was about  a job offer for an investment manager whose potential salary was $150,000.  It just struck me that was a crazy sum of money for someone who is basically a gambler.  No difference in trying to determine what the stock market might do in comparison to whether the Broncos are going to cover the spread this weekend.  It is disheartening that so much value is placed on someone who really does nothing of value.  Then of course this leads to the entitlement society we live in where people expect to make this type of salary without doing anything useful.  Which then got me thinking about the Republican debate the other night when one of the candidates was asked about how an uninsured 30 year old should pay for an unexpected hospital stay and the audience at the debate starting laughing and then cheering when one candidate indicated government shouldn't have to pay for it.

Again it is a sad indictment of our society when we can't care for all.  I understand it is about choices but when did we just become so wrapped up in our own lives that we can't care for one another.  Really do some of these people need another car, gun, 4-wheeler at the expense of making sure everyone has a cushion when it comes to medical care?

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