
Ernest Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises

In a nutshell this is how Hemingway wrote, "She was built with curves like the hull of a racing yacht, and you missed none of it with that wool jersey." and "The cab stopped in front of the hotel and we all got out and went in. It was a nice hotel, and the people at the desk were very cheerful, and we each had a good small room."

Haven't read Hemingway in ages.  I look at Hemingway as a fine wine.  It sits on my shelf for ages and when I need something different I turn to him.  Something about Hemingway's writing as always stuck with me.  First book I ever read that shocked the hell out of me was "A Farewell to Arms"  Important read in High School and I even did a paper on the "Hemingway Hero"  Nothing like scanning a college library stacks to find something to try and write a high school paper.

At one point I even wrote a Hemingway like story...see below.  In the end though, "Brett laments that she and Jake could have had a wonderful time together.  Jake responds, 'Yes, isn't it pretty to think so?'"

The clouds crept over the mountains and moved slowly into the valley.  The earth opened her arms to the coming rain.  The man with the black hat stood under the trees watching the scene unfold.  His journey had just begun and he felt refreshed.  The rain would feel good.  He just hoped it wouldn't rain all night.  He hated being cold in the morning.  His horse did too.  Aspen hated the cold and his muscles were always stiff.  He was a good horse and a good companion.  The rain began to fall and the hand with the black hat started moving into the rocks hoping for an overhand and a little dryness.  All around the rain fell sounding like mother's natures music.  He was to meet someone in this valley.  He hoped the rain wasn't an ominous sign.  The man soon found a place and unloaded his horse.  Aspen whinnied and was happy.  The man made fire and soon felt warm and tired.  He trapped some grub out of his sack and after some water he fell asleep.

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