
Space...The Final Frontier

Still in Florida...decided to take a day off and do some touring. Stopped and visited the Kennedy Space Center. Haven't been there in almost 17 years. Hard to believe...last time I visited I was a month out from entering USAFA...I had dreams of being an astronaut...unfortunately that iteration of my life did not come to pass. If alternative realities do exist and that if one believes quantum physics and schrondinger's cat then somewhere there is a reality or dimension that exists that I did become an astronaut! But I digress...it was very hard visiting this time around. NASA has really fallen apart. It used to be a dream maker, an organization that let loose, that made a plan and worked a plan. I really don't blame the people of NASA...I believe they are still there and dream of a successful space program. I believe NASA is still suffering from their success in the 60s...they did so much so quickly that the government expects success. Unfortunately short sighted politicians and adminstrators have clipped NASA wings so that they have been handcuffed with a shuttle that was to deliver the world but is basically a failed attempt to making spaceflight normal. Not to offend the 116 successful flights in which NASA really did alot but ultimately just produced an agency alwasys looking for a goal in which to use the shuttle. Amazing to think that in 9 years we launched a man then put a man on the moon and to think in almost 40 years later we are still trying to make spaceflight common. Ughhhh frustrating and sad...ultimately just the epitome of this country...no longer willing to make sacrifaces or challenge to make a real difference in the world...just simply content to stay the course and not to get burn...where are today's Kennedy's? In years to come will we just be remembered for some Cold War proganda stunt?

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