
This Week in Comics

Batman 667
Another interesting direction for Morrison's Batman. Have to give him credit, he is moving the character is an interesting direction. I imagine with 667 issues writer's have a difficult time moving a character in new directions or ideals. The last couple issues with is son, Damian, and the 666 issue was actually pretty good. This new storyline of different batmans in each country is pretty interesting. Good start off...have to give Morrison credit for taking famous characters and keeping it interesting...I loved what he did with the X-men which really lead to Weddon's run.

New Avengers 33
Another new direction, the bomb that was two issues ago, Elektra a skrull, has basically led to two issues of whining superheroes freaked out about who is who. Bendis then brings in the Hood which I have never heard of (ahh just read the wiki entry and it a new character...whoopee...don't care). Wish Bendis kept moving in the skrull direction instead of taking these side streets. Also the art is getting old...come home if I went chicken scratch I will do my own drawings!

Omega Flight #5
OK well you knew my excitement 6 months ago when this came out and well now its over. Yippee...really a horrible way to kill a decent ideal, Marvel. Come on, Alpha Flight has always had a place in Marvel X-lore. It was a decent book with good characters. This looked like a worthy restart but seeing the storyline cobbled together to fit a 5 book mini-series really made this just awful. Not pleased! Now I guess they will be in Marvel's new weekly book coming out in September? We shall see...what a big disappointment!

Powers 25
A new storyline! Alrighty I've been following Powers since issue 1 and I knew Deena got powers but from a powers virus? Guess I'm a big dummy and never picked up on that...how well. What is great about Powers is Bendis and Oeming don't take the book too seriously. I mean they screw with their characters but the book is willing to go pretty much anywhere. It is Bendis's playground. I mean who could get away with the Monkey issue? Now this one (ohh it's got a facelift...more pages...stiffer paper, yup stiffer!) has the a 2 page spread of Walker doing what a million year old man does. Go figure. Anyway will be interesting to see how the Walker/Deena conflict pans out.

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