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The New Yorker - 11/5/07

"One of the most frequently discussed difficulties is that of copyright. A conservative reckoning is 32 million (books), Google believes that there could be as many as a hundred million. It is estimated that between five and ten percent of known books are currently in print, and twenty percent-those produced between the beginning of print, in the 15th century, and 1923-are out of copyright. The rest, perhaps 75 percent of all books ever printed, are "orphans," possibly still covered by copyright protections but out of print and pretty much out of mind."

Rolling Stone - 11/15/07

Bill Maher, "People say to me, "Why are you so cynical?" And I say, "I wouldn't be so cynical if you weren't so fucking stupid."

Jon Stewart, "There's no way to fool-proof the world. You cannot out-engineer crazy."

William Gibson, "In a world of superubiquitous computing, you're not gonna know when you're on or when you're off. You're always going to be on, in some sort of blended-reality state."

Lisa Randall, "For one thing, science is difficult. Things like string theory and climate change are complex: People need a little more patience with uncertainty. We live in the era of the sound bite, and, on the whole, science doesn't lend itself to sound bites." and


"People not thinking."

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