
Larry Niven - Fleet of the Worlds

Really I pick books mostly at random to read.  Although if I look over books that I read I tend to read authors back to back or at least relatively close and rather odd if I was really trying to read books randomly.  Oh well this book took a while to get into.  Perhaps that is one reason I read authors together as you get into their mindset and thus it is easier to get into the books faster.  Of the sci-fi I have read recently this one and the Larry Niven/Brenda Cooper, Building Harlequin's Moon (which probably wasn't recent but I remember it rather well...)  It is interesting to wonder how much Larry actually writes in all of these books that he co-authors.  Of all the sci-fi writers he has certainly had a slew of books that he co-authors.  I wonder how that works?  Interesting to go to a book signing with co-authors and ask how one writes a book with two heads?  All in all I love the "Known Space" universe.  This one goes in a bit more detail on the puppeteers.  Interesting concept.  Kind of shocking with the creation of a slave group to farm for them.  First time I was actually a little shocked about the ramifications of a storyline when reading a sci-fi book.  Oh and guess what there is a sequel so I am sure there will be another post..

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