
MCA Denver - Another Victory Over the Sun

Another fabulous show at the MCA - Denver.  For this exhibition they covered all the windows and made the museum the antithesis of what it normally is - open and light.  In the spaces they filled with artist who "shine" in the dark.  The two exhibits I liked the most were Miguel Calderon video of a panther in the a dark room with a black light showing so that not only did you hear it prowling but occasionally it would show its teeth!  Creepy  I also like David Zimmer's exhibit which melds technology and nature.  (Cycle, 2011, Chorus 2011, Spleen, 2011, Echo#1, #2, #3, 2011.

And finally Erin Shirreff's rephotographed of NY RCA Building of Ansel Adams original work.  It was eerie...(Ansel Adams, RCA Building, Circa 1940, 2009 Color HD video)

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