
This Week in Comics

Captain America #30
Great series,, about the only comic that I can't wait for it to come out. I mean for a title that has lost its main character it still is a fantastic read. Each issue gives a little but then tacks on more unanswered questions and the underlying plot continues to build to some unknown peak. Wow especially the Red Skull comment about Winter Soldier and whether he will be of any use to him....hmmmmm

New X-men #42
Kind of a filler issue and the next issue. Did have the astounding team hanging around...gee I wonder if they are back from space or whether they were the clones? Just throw Wolverine into the mix (instant sales...ha)

Ultimate Spider-Man #114
Wow what a new artist does for a series. Certainly nothing wrong with the former artist but I think the book was getting stale and Stuart's art is just what the book needed. Some excitement and good writing don't hurt either. Anyway love reading the book again. Great art great story. Interesting to see what happens to Peter this time.

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