
Gerard Jones - Men of Tomorrow

Being a comic book lover and reader for the past 25 years, I never really bothered to read about its roots. I had a fairly good ideal of its beginnings (Kavalier and Clay by Chabon is pretty good representation of those early years) and it was interesting to read this book. In some ways it would be great to have been around in that time and be able to read the Amazing Stories and counterparts. The sheer volume of work that was put out is amazing. Today it seems they just put out enough to keep you interested but going to a perceived quality over quantity sure can bore the senses. To be around during the golden age of comics and just have the sheer volume. Kind of my problem with comics today is you get a new book every 4 - 6 weeks...sometimes hard to keep on top of what happens...and then the artist complain that they just can't publish the stuff fast enough because they only want to submit quality work. Well not to dismiss your honesty but we are talking comic books here...not works of art. Give me a decent story and passable art and move the books. I think one reason Bendis has found support in today's storytelling is that he can get the word out. The art is passable but because the stories come out on time you can keep up with it and not lose touch of your heroes.

Anyway I digress...the book was interesting...although kind of a shotgun approach. He touched on the superman thing, but only mentions batman and wonder woman in passing. Spends a lot of time defining the period and discussing the publishers. Boy do the publishers always get the bad end of the deal.

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