
Haruki Murakami - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Another Murakami book, another chance to go hmmmm...This one was big. An enormous book, a lot to think about, although it is kind of funny because the overall point to the story was pretty simple. The journey from A to B was pretty easy...getting there was the tough part. Reading Murakami feels like watching an episode of Twin Peaks. For the most part his characters are very simple, very Japanese (with probably an overkill fondness of things American) and yet both this character and the one in Dance Dance Dance had an unnatural connection to another world (whether physically, emotionally, or figuratively?). Insight into this other dimension lays out the "hmmmm" in this book not to mention the people he meets because he has this insight into this out worldly dimension. The book doesn't bog down, it does have quite a lot of info on the Japanese conquest of China during WWII. While that does a play a part I don't see it being essential (?). It does help develop some characters and the whole Well thing does play a part.

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