
Comic Splat (5)

New comic book feature...just a couple of lines to express my thoughts...a splat on the wall

Siege #1: Hard to believe that this all started back in Avengers Disassembled (7 years ago). Was it laid out or did it just happen...question I have is why did Bendis do House of M...how does it link into all of this. Can't wait to see Capt A

Cinderella #3: The Fables offshoot. Cinderella as a secret agent is fun.

Batman Confidential #40: Only reason I bought this was Sam Keith did the art...loved what he did for Wolverine way back in Marvel Comics Presents.

New Mutants #9: Thought this was a tie into Necrosha but it isn't. Not for sure why they were thrown into the crossover. It would seem to me that they are trying to rebuild the team to its original constituents...bottom line to me is that there are too many X-books!

Blackest Night - Wonder Woman #2: The only reason I got this series was the artist was a female. I was curious to see if a female artist would draw women in a typical male fashion...you know T & A. She does...

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