
Song Memory - Oxygene Part 2

A song I hadn't heard in a long long time. Growing up I made several pilgrimage to the Alabama Space and Rocket Center. Twice I went to Space Camp there and basically lived at the museum. Key highlight back then was to see one of the Shuttle IMAX films. Back in the 80s there were basically two movies...The Dream is Alive and Hail Columbia. I have probably seen each of these films like ten times. Awesome display of the IMAX technology especially the surround sound. The scene was always the same, quiet display of the space shuttle, a sound of bird going by, then a gentle rumble of the main engine start, followed by the kick in your pants start of the two solid rocket boosters. Your seat would tremble, your heart would be in your throat, and you felt like you were riding the fire to the stars. It was always an awesome experience. Anyway the reason the song matters is that when you would enter the IMAX theater they always had this song in the loop. Futuristic sounding (funny that the song was made in the late 70s) and instrumental, so whenever I hear the song it takes me back to 5th or 6th grade. Used to have the album on cassette then never brothered to upgrade to CD then decide to grab it off of iTunes. Great stuff!

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