
Comic Splat (4)

Joe the Barbarian #1 - A new Grant Morrison written mini-series on the Vertigo label. Only a buck for the first issue. Looks like a good story...

Captain America #602 - How many Captain America's are there? Looks like it is time to clean house.

Dark Avengers #13 - I hate the Sentry as a character. Why has this character taken on such a large role. Is he simply around to be the McGuffin for Bendis' seven year run. I mean come on a superhero named Bob, the Void, and a superhero who's power is to make everyone forget that he existed? Ughhh..

Uncanny X-men #520 - The X-men just seem to be old...why is Magneto back? Does anyone care anymore...why do you continue to reincarnate these characters?

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