
Magazine Wrap Up

Maureen O'Dowd

"Al Gore's true claims didn't matter in that standoff any more than Anita Hill's true claims did during my confirmation. That's the beautiful thing about being a conservative. We don't push for truth. We push to win, praise the Lord.

It's a relief to finally admit it: I'm proud to have hastened Al's premature political death, hanging chads. It was, you might say, a low-tech lynching."

Wow this was in 10/7/07 Sunday Times Op Ed page. Guess Clarence Thomas came out with a autobiography (?) and O'dowd rips him a new one...makes you wonder when a judge was brought on by Bush I and he ends up putting Bush II in the White House...yikes

Good Magazine had an interesting graph on total store acreage and the fact that Wal Mart has more acreage than the island of Manhattan by approximately 3,000 acres (18,810 vs. 15,000)!

Starbucks has about 152,000 stores with only 400 acres

MIT D-Lab, Amy Smith, as an interesting quote, "Designs are more likely to be successful if they're not complicated and requiring all sorts of support and infrastructure. But simple doesn't mean easy. It's a challenge to get to those 'simple' solutions."

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