

A wonderful touching movie. Good movies or at least movies that mean more than just a Saturday Afternoon are few and far between. And I am not just talking about movies that win the Academy Awards...which I think have become more of a political marketing ploy.

This movie ranks up there because it has good writing, good dialogue, normal characters, and it is well directed (plus a little quirky is always good). The director, Jason Reitman is the son of Ivan Reitman...wow, love the seemingly neverending nepotism of Hollywood...or perhaps should we say the interbreeding of Hollywood (sort of like modern day European monarchy?). Anyway I digress, loved the movie and characters. The movie kind of jumped up on me...another goofy undercurrent of information that percolated under the radar. For some reason the movie's author, Diablo Cody, popped up on my screen which then led to her Movie which then led me to see the movie which then turned out to be really good. What can one say...it was fresh and new and warmhearted. I thought Jennifer Garner was fantastic...a role that should be nominated for best supporting actress. We think of her just as Sydney Bristow but this really showed a side we haven't seen. Anyway Cody will get nominated for best screenplay which will win. My one and only 2008 prediction.

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