
National Treasure 2

Okay first movie...great story, great adventure. This one...sort of a good story but not a great adventure. Whereas as the first one had an exciting back story with lots of conspiracy (got to love secret societies and the Masons!), this one had sort of a convoluted and when you really think about a conspiracy that really doesn't make any sense. I mean 1865, the Confederates are looking for the lost city of gold and some word puzzle leads to some French guy who made the statues of liberty. Said French guy puts a clue on a statue in France (how the Confederates are going to make it there?) and then the statue points to the resolute desks which weren't even made until 1879 and then these desks contain some drift wood with clues to the ancient city??? So again how were the Confederates going to find the city of gold when the clues weren't even in place??? And why didn't the original owners of the drift wood just go get gold? Then the crazy search for President Book of Secrets which claims that Mount Rushmore was built to hide the city???? Again why are we hiding it in the first place...ughhh if they make a third one let's have a better background (Fountain of Youth page 46???)

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