
This Week in Comics

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #10
Whedon is back for a pseudo filler issue. Guess this one was a bit out of the ordinary as the issue had a "reader" as a character which was chosen from readers who sent in an email stating why Buffy means so much too them. As far as the issue goes again it delves into the much bigger buffyverse which I just don't have a good feel for. It seems Buffy will be betrayed by someone close and the thought is Willow who then goes on to say if she hasn't already (?) Huh?? Anyway back to a continuity with he next issue. Do find the stories good but boy if you don't know Buffy it can be a challenge...even reading the wikipedia entry doesn't really clear anything up...whew!

Uncanny X-men #494

Now of course talking about a history... with almost 500 issue in the bag (assume 12 issues a year...) and we almost have 40 years of continuity to mess with...and I thought Buffy was tough to follow. Is it any wonder kids have a tough go of it trying to hook up with these long standing comic stories. I mean this Messiah Complex is really reaching into the old bag of tricks bringing out some long standing enemies and story lines. With Cable and Bishop being central characters in all this it would seem that the writer's have happened upon some long standing plot points and are finally trying to bring some closure. This is Chapter 10 so about 3 issues to go...still waiting for the shoe to drop...

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