
This Week in Comics Part I

Scud #22
Difficult picking up a comic that hasn't run in a few years and then try to pick it up and read it for any true insight. Another reason to track down the previous 20 issues and get caught up before trying to figure it out now!

New Frontier Special Issue
Basically a tie-in to the new DVD that Cooke released. Great additional material and overall a good companion piece. Loved what he did with all the DC comics and how he integrated them in to the that 1950 - 60s mindset. Good stuff.

Powers #28
It has been forever since a new Powers hit. In fact in the letter's column someone even mentioned the lateness of the book. You really lose continuity when it is 3 months between issues. The direction of this book has really gone sucky. I mean the book sold because of the dynamic between Deena and Pilgrim and since her departure to the dark side the book has been a real drag. I was hoping that the Deena thing would be a plot line that would move the book forward but have them finally get back together but alas who knows what Bendis is doing. The book has been an utter directionless drag of late. This upcoming skrull thing better be good because is killing his other stuff.
X-Force #'s 1 and 2
Didn't think I would like this but it rocked. Something the X-world needed although up to this point it never really was appropriate in Xavier's world. Now that Scott is running things he is bringing a ruthlessness not seen in the X-world. Do I agree with it? Not really but it makes for a compelling story. We shall see if this lasts. Poor Scott he is falling to the dark side...can we see a future where Scott and Emma become the bad guys?
X-men #496
Really I am sure this is a filler chapter with a dynamic issue #500 coming? I hate when writer's do this. They put some lame storyline in to bridge issue number extravaganzas. Why did Peter go back to Russia? What was Angel doing in San Fran and why is Scott and Emma rushing there? Xavier just got a bullet to the head and this is what happens? Ughhhhh!
Buffy Season 8 #12
Alright up to this point the Season 8 thing has been going well but this issue is just so un-Buffy like. So Buffy has a lesbian liaison? What the f$&k is that about. Alright I am not interested in an dirty old man's desire to see Buffy getting it on with another slayer. This is totally unlike her character. It is fine to have characters who are gay...I have no problem with Willow but to just throw a character into that situation that is just not right. It really felt like it was forced and just some perversion. Perhaps it will be a plot point later on but I am not buying it. It is not Buffy.

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