
Random Nonsense

Slow week, traveling haven't really been up to much, so it is random post day...

Pulled this screen shot off the new Forced Unleashed trailer. Thought it was a bit risque for the Lucas crowd. Guess they think that a little T&A will go a long way with the video game crowd...of course if they could just make a good game.
While looking for some E.R. Burroughs ebooks (public domain stuff) couldn't find his Venus stuff here but wikipedia indicated that the copyright has expired in Australia and that you could get books there...hmmm (found Gone With the Wind, too) and we wonder why the whole DRM, who owns what, and copyright seems to be all messed up...
Read alot about Twitter but frankly what does it do for you. Do we all have time just to write little snippets about our life...bigger question is who cares?
Forget Olivia Munn what about Blair Butler?
Why does the new Clone Wars movie look and feel so much better than the Episodes I, II, and III?
You know I was trying to find a webpage to explain how the different dice work in D&D and you know I can't find anything...what is up with that?
Nostalgia for the week...I downloaded Top Gun and Purple Rain off of iTunes!
And with that note I am outta of here

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