
This Week in Comics

Invincible Iron Man #3
Dude how can you hurt the Pepper? Come on now you can't go there unless you are planning on her wearing the suit (?) Or hey how about a War Machine, Iron Man, and Fembot attack group...girrrr don't mind me!

Powers #29

Finally some issues resolved. God this whole long winded series as been just painful. I realize that you can't have the Bruce/Cybil and Mulder/Scully thing going on for too long but this has gone on way too long. This book has always been about these two cops and with them apart is just isn't too much fun. Yeah I know the book has to grow but this growing pain has really taken alot from the book.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #16

Who the hell is Fray? Why do I care...ughhh this series is slowly going into too much fandom. Josh please write some stories that mean something to all of us. These are some great characters!

Secret Invasion #4
Kind of a filler issue for this series. Nothing of real note. I am tired of the 50 versions of Cap running around. Nick Fury is a bad ass...his character has gone up in my book. Hopefully we get to some good cliff hangers in #5. Keep the momentum Bendis!

Batman #678
I must be stupid because I have no ideal what Morrison is doing with the Bat. Again Morrison is best read in the past when you can see the whole story. His randomness just has no continuity. You go one way and the swerve to the next meanwhile just not knowing what the f$%k is going on.

Astonishing X-men #25
Big disappointment...Ellis ain't no Josh and this book ain't worth it anymore. I like that it was sort of out of continuity and was just a place to write good X-stories. But running this into continuity is just blah. I don't need another X-book what I need is one decently written X-book. Ughhhh

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