
Comic Splat (6)

Siege #3 - Oh hum not the greatest "event" series but knowing its purpose is simply to bring back Marvel Big Three in the pages of the Avengers is worth it. Love the retro look for Iron Man wonder what the big gotcha will be?

Dark Avengers #15 - Loved how this book came out of the block but with the Siege thing going and the knowledge that the Avengers are back this book just seems dated...although this book would seem to show that Bullseye might have something to say in Siege #4?

X-Factor Forever #1 - Interesting concept...what if Simonson had remained on X-Factor after issue #64...this is the tale. I remember the transition...did not like the new direction glad to see what might have been...too bad she can't bring back Walt to draw!

Spider-Woman #7 - Aghhh comic creators today? They are schizophrenic. Bring out a new book, do the motion comic thing, draw us in, and then say look we are really sorry but we don't have time for this and then just end it...no big deal Bendis is bringing her back in the new new Avengers.

Joe the Barbarian #2 & Joe the Barbarian #3 - Somehow I missed number 2 but found it all the same...great story but kind of scary...I mean a kid is dying!

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