
Tiger Rant

I can't believe the hoopla surrounding Tiger's return to golf. Frankly I could care less about the golfer. Everyone is falling over themselves trying to say how great this is...to me it's just another case of missed priorities. I mean this guy is great at hitting a little white ball around but as far as a person, a role model...come on he is just a dirt bag. And we wonder why this country is a mess sometimes and you just have to look at this pathetic person. Why we continue to prop up these sports stars like they hold the key to success is beyond me. Very few athletes actually live like decent human beings. Most of the time they are egotistic, flawed people who without the ability at sports really wouldn't amount to anything. And then the pundits say it is life and redemption and blah blah...give me a break. When you are a billionaire and you can't keep your privates in your pants and can't remain faithful to your wife and mother of your children it ain't about redemption as if we were talking about the second coming. Come on and wake up...Charles Barkley said it best...when he said to parents that he ain't a role model. Instead of watching the Masters and Tiger's triumph return (again from being a sex addict...yeah wow what a victim he is) spend the time outside with your kids.

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