
Laika - First Biological Entity in Space

Well at least the first mammal.  I guess the US at lunched some fruit fly in an old V2 back in the day.  Somewhere along the way I read some good things about this story so finally found it buried at an old favorite comic bookstore in Boulder.  Fantastic story.  The author/artist did a tremendous job coming up with a touching back story and integrating that into the real world stuff.  

50 - 100 years from now they will look back at the Cold War and be amazed by the stunts two countries would pull to try and stay ahead.  I mean the escalation of stunts over the years was amazing.  In this case a dog was sacrificed so that USSR could gloat to the world that it was technically superior.  With the fall of the wall more details come out that show how things were done.  Again the artist does an amazing job of not only drawing a cute puppy but characterizing the people.  This is an incredibly touching book.  It was very emotional and probably makes my Top 10 books of all time.

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