
This Week in Comics

Secret Invasion #1

Well this is what we've been waiting for...who is a skrull, who comes back from the dead, what happens to the Marvel universe. Why 8 issues of the New Avengers have been useless (I mean really that is when Elektra was declared a skrull!) Anyway I am holding Bendis responsible for all this so it had better be good. First impressions? Good lead off can't believe Jarvis is a skrull! 7 more issues to go!

Amazing Spider-Man #555
Okay I got suckered into buying this because Wolverine and Spidey are the best team up in the business. This issue didn't disappoint...some great bickering by the two greatest Marvel heroes in the business. Don't get the Spidey every week but perhaps I will pick it up (isn't what this issue was for to get people like me interested...classic Marvel trick...put Wolverine in something and sells go up).

Buffy Season 8 #13

Good issue but the Willow question was just not Willow. Last time I checked Willow and Buffy had some mutual respect. Having Willow ask about Buffy in bed was just not right. Wish I saw the episode when Xander and Dracula hooked up. Anyway stories up to this point have been good, this author's take just isn't right.

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