

OK first there is this representation:

then this one:

And to my mind they are both wrong. My thought is that the Plane is actually Level One and all that is shown above is simply the MacGuffin to get Cobb well again (i.e. to stop mourning his wife and returning to life so that he can raise his kids). Of course if this is true then at the end of the movie the top doesn't stop. But if you believe above, then the top would stop.

Another reason I thought Cobb was still in the dream at the end is that in other dreams he would see his kids but they never would turn around. At the end when he is finally over his wives passing he can finally finish that dream and in fact the kids do turnaround to face their daddy. Of course the costume designer did let slip that the children's outfits were different thus probably indicating that Cobb was in fact not in a dream but I'm sticking with my convoluted thought. And Han Solo shoots first and Deckard is a replicant, so there!

Great movie by the way, it will receive my highest honor which is purchasing the DVD!

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