
William Gibson - Neuromancer

Neuromancer is celebrating its 25th year in print. A ground breaking novel in 1985 (actually came out in '84) it beckoned a new realm of science fiction and is often quoted as being the source for cyberspace. I read it as a recommendation from a friend back in high school. This book and the two later novels was probably my most liked books. Gibson was one of my top favorite authors. When the Difference Engine came out I instantly got it in hard back only to be disappointed in its scope. Later in the 2000s, Gibson came out with his San Fran books and they just didn't have the same edge as the Neuromancer books. It was disappointing to see a writer try and regain his form. His books in the late 2000s got a bit better and Spook Country was actually quite good.

Being 25 years since I read it (I was probably 16 at the time), I decided to read it electronically on my iPad (symbolism you know). Overall I thought it held up quite well. It doesn't seem too dated and it still has its quirkiness about it. Picked up some more broader things this go around as a youth probably doesn't see some bigger picture items. I enjoyed it and glad to see a book that I once love still being a desirable read (unlike The Number of the Beasts).

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