
51 Birch Street

The Joy of XM! I have had my XM for about a 2 months now and it makes my commute tolerable especially in the morning because of the Bob Edwards Show. I always enjoyed Bob when he was on NPR and have missed him since. His morning show on XM is great. He has plenty of time to interview people and provide a great story. This morning there was a thought provoking story about a film maker (documentary) about his father and mother. The basis of the story was that his mother passed away and his Dad after three weeks annouced he was marrying a former secretary. Obviously this came as a surprise to the family. The seed of the ideal moved forward when the family began cleaning the house they came across their mother's diaries. Over 30 years of handwritten thoughts detailing the trials and tribulations of a woman coming to age in the 60 and70s. Being a parent now and seeing how difficult it is being an adult it is always interesting to think about your parents not as you see them but has people. Oftentimes you really don't think of your parents has individuals with goals and what not. It is difficult to see them any other way then what you have always imagined. I guess with death they take on a different perspective. Something to think about before your parents have moved on.

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