
Private Wars - Greg Rucka

Reading like a mad man or someone who travels alot and has nothing better to do but read. Greg Rucka has been on my radar screen for sometime as he is a comic book writer. I've read some of his work but never anything really stood out. I had seen some of books and noted that if I got the chance I would read one well the chance came and this was it. Tara Chace (I won't call her the female 007) is Minder One, a pseudo british secret service. Think Alias but no rimbaldi. I had heard good things about the main character and she didn't disappoint. She actually was a character not just some superficial cut out character. The story was fast paced and the final twist was a bit surprising...I thoroughly enjoyed it. So much so that I got the first TPB comic fron Oni and also got the first book before this one.

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