
Magazine Wrap Up


- X-men 200 (Great Cover by Finch)

- Batman Ego and other Tales Darwyn Cooke


- Why does a magazine get it and not NASA. Priorities should be 1) environmental research on the nearest earth planets, 2) Locate asteroids and comets that could hit the earth and devise a plan to deflect it, 3) study the universe, 4) develop a cheap way to orbit.

What NASA does, 1) Maintain a pointless space station, 2) go the moon for no good reason, 3) study the unverse, 4) keep money flowing to favored aerospace contractors and congressional districts

- Famous Thought Experiments

Schrodinger's Cat - Two probable states of cat (dead or alive)
Borel's Monkeys - Infinite number of monkeys will produce the complete works of Shakespeare
Searle's Room - A man sits alone in a room, someone slips him a letter in Chinese and instuctions on how to read. To an observer the man knows Chinese.


- Interesting article on Banksy, at an antiwar demonstration he distributed signs that read, "I Don't Believe in Anything, I'm just here for the Violence."

- Antikythera Mechanism

- Amyris Biotechnologies

- The Higgs Particle first postulated almost 40 years ago has been sought at every collider built since then. If found it would mean the void of space is not really void but permeated by an invisible field that acts like cosmic molasses. The Higgs Field if it exists exerts a drag on matter passing though it, lending mass to particles that otherwise wouldn't have any (the God Particle)


It's really about keeping in shape for life...

If it's potato chips in, its potato chips out. You eat garbage, you're probably goint to perform like garbage.

Vacation is an opportunity to get in a good routine.

Learn to rest...

You have to go and try different stuff

Chew more...

We are each out own greatest inhibitor...

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