
This Week in Comics

Another fabulous new take on an old Marvel book by Simonson, Simonson's feel for Marvel's First Family hits the mark. Throw in Thor and Iron Man for good measure and you have a wild ride. As mentioned previously my first Marvel book was X-Factor 9. Simonson was just starting his run on that book so I don't know if I just have a special place in my heart for anything Simonson. His work on Thor, X-factor, and the Fantastic Four was great defining moments for all of these books. Who can not think of Thor and Walt in the same neural firing? He defined the character. With X-factor he brought it out of the shadow of the X-men and made the original 5 worth reading. His take on the "four" is just as good but especially with his art. When I think of the Fantastic, I think of big cosmic adventures. Out of this world, zany aliens, silver surfer, galactus...you know big stuff. Simonson nails this perfectly especially with his big single page spreads and such. Anyway a great collection.

Okay I enjoyed the first issue immensely. The second was okay but the last two have gotten bogged down. Very King like...great grab you get you reading start, long boring middle, and probably a grand finale. I don't know if I can make it to the end, especially with the price tag.

Strange issue...if I read the rumors and bulletin boards it seems like this was supposed to be an ongoing series and while Oeming was writing it, it got slashed to 5 issues. Well this issue seems to be the slash! The art was very strange almost half way done. The plotting was staggered and not as well planned out as issue 1. Characters were introduced rather randomly. I am not too happy about this turn...

Another great issue although Scott seems dead again! I am missing the optic blasts...I'm still a bit out of it in what Scott sees in Emma. I had thought it was a Morrison gimmick but it seems to have stuck. Anyway not too much time left on Whedon's epic run...what sort of end game will he have?

Don't ask me why I think this book has great potential. It really shouldn't but for some reason (James Jean cover art?) I have found myself drawn to this quirky little book. I'm a sucker for team books (heck I gave Psi-Force a good read way back when). This one seems to have some strange characters and great possibility. This was a free comic book (there are two other stories). This short little tale was a good introduction...I believe the first issue is due in stores in August 2007?

Buffy is still back and with Willow this time...the whole Scooby gang is almost intact. Another good issue (episode?). Although I don't know who the no skin guy is? I guess I'm not a real buffologist!

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